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#DARFchain switches its tokens to the Ethereum

The DARFchain tokens which were previously released on the waves platform will be exchanged for new ones in an 1:1 ratio. In this regard, the project expands its marketing activities in the Asian region. We start our teams to work with China, South Korea and Japan. Alpha-version of the DARFchain blockchain-algorithm has been successfully tested at the moment. We have organized the hashed data transfer from Odoo ERP-system, via IPFS - InterPlanetary FileSystem - to the end users.
The the DARFChain approach significance for ICO market assessment was highly appreciated in the article of the American edition of Forbes https://goo.gl/jdSW28.
Agriculture and housing construction pilot projects based on the DARFchain tokens turnover have already been developed and are prepared well for launch. Please, join the DARFChain ecosystem here http://buy.darfchain.com/.