"Anti-venture" or "Post-investing" DAICO based metodology

We successfully developed DARFChain - Distributed Accounting/Administering Resource with Fidelity on blockchain!
And we have new ideas!
Currently, we are developing the software and methodology that can dramatically change the Impact Investing. We call it 'post-investing'.
It can provide a full avoid of in-project risks for investors.
It is a combination of the Agile Kanban development process with the release funding mechanism based on the actual deliverables/completed user stories.
The proposal looks at the high level as the following steps:
0. Investors transfer tokens to your escrow fund;
1. The project team issues their ERC20 token on the Ethereum platform (or same):
2. The team starts their implementation project using the Agile software development methodology in our DARFChain system. On a daily basis, they write every step into the DARFCHAIN system: from finance accounting to Kanban cards movement and leads movement in the sales funnel.
3. After the month finished investors look project's traction and if the team shows good performance, all goals achieved, investors approve to buy a one-month proportion of the offered tokens and team continues to work on the next portion of user stories.
This is ready-to work solution that extents DAICO conception by Vitalik Buterin: https://darfchain.com/news/2018/jan/16/vitalik-buterin-releases-revolutionary-new-daico-model-icos
It works using our geniue proof-of-accounting technology: https://darfchain.com/content/proof-accounting-token
About architecture: https://darfchain.com/#techs
MVP test suite:
- project's node: http://odoo.darfchain.com:8071
- auditor's node: http://robo.darfchain.com:8071
- Video: https://youtu.be/SsNy6SYtCX8
Needs registration with email, Ask for more user's rights in our Telegram channel.
If you wants to join this round of ICO, which starts on April 30 and lasts 42 days, sign up for the whitelist.