DARFchain switches its tokens to the Ethereum to develop token ecosystem with investor protection! +25% bonuses till January, 1!

+ 30% bonus available for purchasing more than 50,000 Tokens.
+++ Buy 1 000 000 Tokens and over, and be listed to get profit share of whole project (1% per 1 000 000 DARF).
Terms and conditions
Crowdsale address: 0xfacc5b21597487575667dde047fc6e5d58bdae55 (carefully read instruction below)
What do we need money for?
Coins, gathered on presale we invested to develop first-in-world (really!) Interplanetary Distributed Accounting Resource and Finance system on blockChain (DARFChain)
Alpha-version of the DARFchain has been successfully tested at the moment. We have organized the hashed data transfer from Odoo ERP-system to the end users via IPFS - (InterPlanetary FileSystem) and store hashes of documents in Ethereum smart contract.
We were among the first to start talking about auditing ICOs. Against the background of general euphoria we are started in September a review about ICO market assessment. It was highly appreciated by Roger Aitken's in the article of American edition of Forbes magazine.
This why we started to develop "crowd sale with investor protection". It is smart escrow proof-of-accounting ecosystem to protect investments by fully transparency of project execution. It include:
- proof-of-accounting tokens, that get data from project's ERP system,
- smart escrow system for phased financing and
- distributed token exchange, integrated as module in ERP system,
How it works:
- The user installs the DARF module in the ERP system and keeps records in it.
- He can tokenize his assets and immediately place on the stock exchange.
- The value of the token can be checked - the net value of tokenized assets, adjusted for the quality of management in the project.
- Token's accounting data are laid out in IPFS - Interplanetary file system.
- When a token is emitted, a link to the token address in IPFS is written into.
- Investors (or other systems -coming soon ;)) can go to this address in IPFS and see the status of the token.
- If investors satisfied, they votes and system release next stage payment from escrow to team.
Proof-of-accounting token
Now agriculture and construction pilot projects based on the DARFchain tokens turnover have already been developed and are prepared well for launch.
8,000,000 DARF tokens will be sold, hardcap is 14,000 ETH (700 BTC). The ICO project begins on Ethereum on December, 18 2017 and continues for 62 days.
Also we start our teams to work with China, India, South Korea and Japan.
Full information is in whitepaper.
Instruction to join crowdsale
To optimize transaction time and cost you can check actual average gas prices on https://ethgasstation.info/
IMPORTANT! Make payments only from your own address, not from wallets on exchanges, mixers or same. If you don't sure, buy tokens on webshop: https://buy.darfchain.com !
DARF token address Etherscan:0x0339f0a4ebd50da09aa623e1d3e341c5b66851cf
Crowdsale address Etherscan:0xfacc5b21597487575667dde047fc6e5d58bdae55
Team multisignature (3 from 5) address Etherscan: 0x139031c1b0cccc87daaf7049127391a3a76bad5a
The DARFchain tokens which were previously released on the waves platform will be exchanged for new ones in an 1:1 ratio. In this regard, the project expands its marketing activities in the Asian region.
Please, register the DARFChain ecosystem here to be in-touch with investor's news.
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